About Thomas Deacon Academy
Founded in , the Thomas Deacon Academy educates 2,000 students in Peterborough, from Year 7 to Year 13. The school operates a house-based system, teaching a wide variety of subjects across many areas. There are 6 houses in the school and every student is a member of one house, which is where their vertical form group is located and where lunchtime is centred around (along with the communal Refectory). The houses are Milton, Sandown, Castle, Highfield, Trinity and Atherstone.

Thomas Deacon Academy is commonly referred to as TDA and is on Twitter as @tdaeducation. The logo, called the atom, is used to identify and advertise the school.
Students join the academy in Year 7 (although later admissions are possible) and study a set timetable of subjects until Year 9. Students then have the ability to have a choice in the subjects they take for GCSE, alongside the core academic subjects of English, Maths, Science (BTEC, GCSE or Triple Science), RE and PE (GCSE PE can be chosen to take as a GCSE option).
The sixth form teaches a wide variety of subjects. In Key Stage 5, students are taught four subjects of their choice for two years, Year 12 and Year 13.
The school has a wide assortment of enrichment available. You can browse the TDA Enrichment timetable on the app.
Queen's Gardens, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 2UW, UK
Phone: 01733 426060
Email: [email protected]
★★★★★ (4.7) based on 40 ratings.
Student and staff statistics

There are 1,992 students attending Thomas Deacon Academy in Year 7–13 as of 2nd January 2016. The school employs 330 staff as of 2nd January 2016, down from 364 prior to September 2015, where there were 364 staff (of which 288 were full-time), comprising of 167 teachers (151 full-time) and 197 associate staff (136 full-time). The normal staff turnover at Thomas Deacon Academy is approximately 12%–17% per year. The students are distributed as follows.
Year | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Students | 342 | 328 | 328 | 325 | 323 | 201 | 145 |
All content © George Garside, except News as provided by TDA.
Library, located in the centre of the school, above the lecture theatres. Milton house, one of the six houses in Thomas Deacon Academy.