WiFiAgent.app Localizable.strings

{	"8021xKeyChainKind" = "802.1X Credentials Profile";
	"8021xKeyChainWhere" = "802.1X Profile";
	"8021xStatusStrings" = "Connecting…;Authenticating…;Authenticated;Not Authenticated";
	"AIRPORT_ADDING_AUTO_1" = "Automatically add new networks to list of recent networks";
	"AIRPORT_ADDING_AUTO_2" = "Always add new networks to the list of recent networks";
	"AIRPORT_ADDING_AUTO_3" = "Remember any network this computer has joined";
	"AIRPORT_ADDING_PREF_1" = "Automatically add new networks to the preferred networks list";
	"AIRPORT_ADDING_PREF_2" = "Always add new networks to the preferred networks list";
	"AIRPORT_HELP_AUTO_0" = "AirPort remembers the networks this computer has joined. If none of the remembered networks are available, AirPort will ask before joining an open network.";
	"AIRPORT_HELP_AUTO_1" = "AirPort remembers the networks this computer has joined. If none of the remembered networks are available, AirPort will automatically join an open network.";
	"AIRPORT_HELP_AUTO_2" = "AirPort remembers the networks this computer has joined.";
	"AIRPORT_HELP_PREF_0" = "AirPort will connect to the first available network in the list. If none are available, AirPort will ask before joining an open network. Drag the network name to reorder the list.";
	"AIRPORT_HELP_PREF_1" = "AirPort will connect to the first available network in the list. If none are available, AirPort will automatically join an open network. Drag the network name to reorder the list.";
	"AIRPORT_HELP_PREF_2" = "AirPort will connect to the first available network in the list. Drag the network name to reorder the list.";
	"AIRPORT_HELP_PREF_3" = "Drag networks into the order you prefer.";
	AIRPORT_ID = "AirPort ID:";
	"AIRPORT_JOIN_FALLBACK_1" = "Ask before joining an open network";
	"AIRPORT_JOIN_FALLBACK_2" = "Automatically join an open network";
	"AIRPORT_JOIN_FALLBACK_3A" = "Keep looking for preferred networks";
	"AIRPORT_JOIN_FALLBACK_3B" = "Keep looking for recent networks";
	AIRPORT_JOIN_FALLBACK_TITLE_A = "If no recent networks are found:";
	AIRPORT_JOIN_FALLBACK_TITLE_B = "If no preferred networks are found:";
	AirPortKeyChainKind = "AirPort network password";
	AirPortKeyChainWhere = "AirPort Network";
	AirPortKeyChainWhereWPA = "AirPort WPA Network";
	AirPortWPAConfigName = "WPA: %@";
	GettingStatus = "Getting status…";
	HideOptions = "Hide Options";
	InternetConnectionSpeed = "%1$@ at %2$d baud";
	InternetConnectionStrings = "Connected to the Internet via Ethernet;Not connected via the Modem;Modem dialing %@ ;Connecting to your ISP;Connected to the Internet via the Modem;Waiting for the Modem to reset";
	InternetConnectionStringsPPPoE = "Connected to the Internet via Ethernet;Not connected via PPPoE;Looking for PPPoE host…;Negotiating PPPoE…;Connected via PPPoE;Disconnecting from PPPoE;Server is busy. Waiting to recontact…";
	PromptHeader = "None of your trusted wireless networks can be found. Would you like to join any of the following wireless networks?";
	PromptMessage = "Selecting the check box and clicking Yes will allow your computer to join this wireless network automatically in the future.\n";
	PromptRemember = "Remember this Network";
	REQUIRE_ADMIN_CONTROL = "Control over AirPort requires Administrator password";
	"REQUIRE_ADMIN_CONTROL_1" = "Require Administrator password to control AirPort";
	REQUIRE_ADMIN_CREATE_IBSS = "Require Administrator password to create networks";
	REQUIRE_ADMIN_JOIN = "Require Administrator password to join networks";
	REQUIRE_ADMIN_POWER = "Require Administrator password to turn AirPort power on or off";
	ShowOptions = "Show Options";
	"WPA Only (TKIP)" = "WPA Only (TKIP)";
	"WPA and WPA2 (TKIP and AES-CCMP)" = "WPA and WPA2 (TKIP and AES-CCMP)";
	"WPA2 Only (AES-CCMP)" = "WPA2 Only (AES-CCMP)";
	askTrustedHeader = "Do you want to automatically join the wireless network named “%@” in the future?";
	askTrustedMessage = "Clicking Yes will add this network to your list of trusted wireless networks.";
	kACLErrorKey = "The selected network uses an Access Control List to restrict access and this computer is not on the list.\n\nSee the Administrator for access.";
	kAPProductNameKey = "Apple Network";
	"kAirPort160MHz" = "160 MHz";
	"kAirPort20MHz" = "20 MHz";
	"kAirPort40MHz" = "40 MHz";
	"kAirPort8021XPasswordKeychainNameKey" = "802.1X Password";
	"kAirPort80MHz" = "80 MHz";
	kAirPortAXDescriptionAirPortIconBars = " of four bars.";
	kAirPortAXDescriptionHotspot = "Personal Hotspot";
	kAirPortAXDescriptionKey = "Wi-Fi, ";
	kAirPortAXDescriptionSecureNetwork = "Secure network";
	kAirPortAXDescriptionSecurityModeOpenKey = "Open network";
	"kAirPortAXValue1of4Key" = "one of four bars.";
	"kAirPortAXValue1of4WithKey" = "one of four bars, with %@.";
	"kAirPortAXValue2of4Key" = "two of four bars.";
	"kAirPortAXValue2of4WithKey" = "two of four bars, with %@.";
	"kAirPortAXValue3of4Key" = "three of four bars.";
	"kAirPortAXValue3of4WithKey" = "three of four bars, with %@.";
	"kAirPortAXValue4of4Key" = "four of four bars.";
	"kAirPortAXValue4of4WithKey" = "four of four bars, with %@.";
	"kAirPortAXValueC2CKey" = "Computer to Computer.";
	kAirPortAXValueNoSignalKey = "No Signal.";
	kAirPortAXValueNotEnabledKey = "Wi-Fi is not enabled.";
	kAirPortAXValueSoftwareBaseStationKey = "Software Base Station.";
	kAirPortActiveChannel = "Active";
	kAirPortAirPlayKey = "Wi-Fi: AirPlay";
	kAirPortAlert = "Alert: %@";
	kAirPortAlertPanelOKKey = "OK";
	kAirPortAlertPanelTimeoutCancel = "Cancel";
	kAirPortAlertPanelTimeoutDescription = "A connection timeout occurred.";
	kAirPortAlertPanelTimeoutOK = "OK";
	kAirPortAlertPanelTimeoutTitle = "Could not join “%@”.";
	kAirPortBSSIDFormatKey = "BSSID: %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x";
	kAirPortBSSIDInfoKey = "BSSID: %@";
	kAirPortBaseStationPPPControlConnect = "Connect";
	kAirPortBaseStationPPPControlDisconnect = "Disconnect";
	kAirPortBaseStationPPPStatusConnected = "PPPoE Connected";
	kAirPortBaseStationPPPStatusConnecting = "PPPoE Connecting";
	kAirPortBaseStationPPPStatusDisconnected = "PPPoE Disconnected";
	kAirPortBaseStationPPPStatusDisconnecting = "PPPoE Disconnecting";
	kAirPortBaseStationPPPStatusReconnecting = "PPPoE Reconnecting";
	"kAirPortC2CNetworksKey" = "Devices";
	"kAirPortC2CNetworksSingularKey" = "Device";
	kAirPortCancelKey = "Cancel";
	kAirPortCaptivePortal = "Requires Authentication…";
	kAirPortChannelInfoKey = "Channel: %@";
	kAirPortConfigureBaseStationKey = "Configure base station…";
	kAirPortConnectKey = "Connect";
	kAirPortConnectedKey = "Connected";
	kAirPortConnectingKey = "Connecting…";
	kAirPortCountryCodeInfoKey = "Country Code: %@";
	kAirPortCreateNetworkKey = "Create Network…";
	kAirPortCurrentNetworkKey = "Current Network";
	kAirPortDFSChannel = "DFS";
	kAirPortDisconnectFromKey = "Disconnect from %@";
	kAirPortDisconnectKey = "Disconnect";
	kAirPortDisconnectPPPKey = "Disconnect from current network";
	kAirPortHardwareAddressInfoKey = "Address: %@";
	kAirPortIPAddressInfoKey = "IP Address: %@";
	kAirPortInterfaceNameInfoKey = "Interface Name: %@";
	kAirPortInternetConnectKeychainNameKey = "Internet Connect";
	kAirPortInternetInfoKey = "Internet: %@";
	kAirPortInternetReachable = "Reachable";
	kAirPortInternetSharingKey = "Wi-Fi: Internet Sharing";
	kAirPortInternetUnavaliable = "No Internet Connection…";
	kAirPortInternetUnreachable = "Unreachable";
	kAirPortMCSIndexInfoKey = "MCS Index: %@";
	kAirPortMonitorModeKey = "Wi-Fi: Monitor Mode";
	kAirPortNetworkTipKey = "RSSI: %@\nSecurity: %@";
	"kAirPortNetworkTypeC2C" = "Computer-to-Computer";
	kAirPortNetworkTypeIBSS = "IBSS";
	kAirPortNetworkTypeInfoKey = "Network Type: %@";
	kAirPortNetworkTypeInfrastructure = "Infrastructure";
	kAirPortNetworkTypeInternetSharing = "AirPort Internet Sharing";
	kAirPortNoNetworkCardKey = "No AirPort card installed";
	kAirPortNoNetworkKey = "No network selected";
	kAirPortNoNetworksFoundKey = "No networks found";
	kAirPortNoiseInfoKey = "Noise: %@ dBm";
	kAirPortNotConfiguredKey = "Wi-Fi: Not configured";
	kAirPortNotConnectedKey = "Not connected";
	kAirPortNotFoundKey = "Not found";
	kAirPortNotInstalledKey = "Wi-Fi: No hardware installed";
	kAirPortOpenInternetConnectKey = "Open Internet Connect…";
	kAirPortOpenInternetSharingKey = "Open Sharing Preferences…";
	kAirPortOpenNetworkPrefsKey = "Open Network Preferences…";
	kAirPortOtherKey = "Join Other Network…";
	kAirPortPHYModeInfoKey = "PHY Mode: %@";
	kAirPortPPPDialinDisconnectKey = "Disconnect PPP Dial-in";
	kAirPortPPPDialinStatusKey = "PPP Dial-in: %@";
	kAirPortPPPLongTimeFormatterKey = "%1$dd %2$.2d:%3$.2d:%4$.2d";
	kAirPortPPPModemKey = "AirPort modem: %@";
	kAirPortPPPOEKey = "AirPort PPPoE: %@";
	kAirPortPPPTimeFormatterKey = "%1$.2d:%2$.2d:%3$.2d";
	kAirPortRateInfoKey = "Tx Rate: %@ Mbps";
	kAirPortRouterInfoKey = "Router: %@";
	kAirPortScanningNetworksKey = "Scanning for networks…";
	kAirPortSecurityInfoKey = "Security: %@";
	"kAirPortSecurityType8021XWEPKey" = "802.1X WEP";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeEnterpriseKey = "Enterprise";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeLEAPKey = "LEAP";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeNoneKey = "None";
	kAirPortSecurityTypePasswordKey = "Password";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeUnknownKey = "Unknown";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeWEPASCIIKey = "WEP 40/128-bit ASCII";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeWEPEnterpriseKey = "WEP Enterprise";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeWEPHexKey = "WEP 40/128-bit hex";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeWEPKey = "WEP";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeWEPPasswordKey = "WEP Password";
	"kAirPortSecurityTypeWPA2EnterpriseKey" = "WPA2 Enterprise";
	"kAirPortSecurityTypeWPA2EnterpriseMixedKey" = "WPA/WPA2 Enterprise";
	"kAirPortSecurityTypeWPA2PersonalKey" = "WPA2 Personal";
	"kAirPortSecurityTypeWPA2PersonalMixedKey" = "WPA/WPA2 Personal";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeWPAEnterpriseKey = "WPA Enterprise";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeWPAPersonalKey = "WPA Personal";
	kAirPortSecurityTypeWPSKey = "Wi-Fi Protected Setup";
	kAirPortSeparatorKey = ";";
	kAirPortSetupUnconfiguredKey = "Setup “%@”…";
	kAirPortShowAnimatedStatusKey = "Show status while connecting";
	kAirPortShowTimerKey = "Show time connected";
	kAirPortSignalInfoKey = "RSSI: %@ dBm";
	kAirPortStatusBusyKey = "Wi-Fi: Searching…";
	kAirPortStatusOffKey = "Wi-Fi: Off";
	kAirPortStatusOnKey = "Wi-Fi: On";
	kAirPortStatusScanningKey = "Wi-Fi: Looking for Networks…";
	kAirPortTetherBatteryLifeInfoKey = "Battery: %ld%%";
	kAirPortTetherDeviceIDInfoKey = "Device ID: %@";
	kAirPortTurnOffKey = "Turn Wi-Fi Off";
	kAirPortTurnOnKey = "Turn Wi-Fi On";
	kAirPortUnknownKey = "Unknown";
	kAirPortUtilityWarningDescriptionKey = "AirPort Utility could not be found.";
	kAirPortUtilityWarningTitleKey = "Could not open AirPort Utility.";
	kAirPortWirelessDiagnosticsKey = "Open %@…";
	kAutomaticKey = "Automatic";
	kCancelKey = "Cancel";
	kEAPClientStatusFailedKey = "WPA was unable to authenticate. If you are unsure about what configuration to connect with, check with your network administrator.";
	kEAPClientStatusInnerProtocolNotSupportedKey = "WPA was unable to authenticate because the inner authentication protocol failed. If you are unsure about what inner protocols to connect with, check with your network administrator.";
	kEAPClientStatusInnerStatusErrorKey = "There was an error trying to get authentication status: %d";
	kEAPClientStatusProtocolNotSupportedKey = "WPA encountered a protocol failure. If you are unsure about what configuration to connect with, check with your network administrator.";
	kEAPClientStatusSecurityErrorKey = "Security Error: %d";
	kEZCEnrolleeMACAddress = "MAC Address:";
	"kGroupBand24GHzKey" = "2.4 GHz";
	"kGroupBand5GHzKey" = "5 GHz";
	kGroupEZCEnrolleesKey = "Waiting for Permission";
	kGroupModeAPKey = "Access Point Networks";
	kGroupModeIBSSKey = "Devices";
	kGroupNewAirPlayDeviceKey = "New AirPlay Speaker";
	kGroupNewAirPlayDevicesKey = "New AirPlay Speakers";
	kGroupNewAirPrintDeviceKey = "New AirPrint Printer";
	kGroupNewAirPrintDevicesKey = "New AirPrint Printers";
	kGroupNewBaseStationKey = "New AirPort Base Station";
	kGroupNewBaseStationsKey = "New AirPort Base Stations";
	kGroupNewMFiDeviceKey = "New Accessory";
	kGroupNewMFiDevicesKey = "New Accessories";
	kGroupPasspointNetworksKey = "Passpoint Networks";
	kGroupPersonalHotspotSingularKey = "Personal Hotspot";
	kGroupPersonalHotspotsKey = "Personal Hotspots";
	kGroupRUSBDevicesKey = "AirPort USB Devices";
	kGroupSecurityClosedKey = "Secure Networks";
	kGroupSecurityIBSSKey = "Devices";
	kGroupSecurityOpenKey = "Open Networks";
	kGroupSignalNormalKey = "Normal Signal";
	kGroupSignalStrongKey = "Strong Signal";
	kGroupSignalWeakKey = "Weak Signal";
	kIBSSErrorKey = "There was an error creating your Computer-to-Computer network.";
	kIBSSExistsKey = "A network with the name of “%@” already exists.";
	kJoinErrorKey = "There was an error joining the AirPort network “%@”.";
	kNoHardwareKey = "The required AirPort hardware was not found on this computer.";
	kNoKey = "No";
	kNoNetworkKey = "No network selected";
	kNotAvailableKey = "Not Available";
	kPasswordErrorKey = "The password you entered is not correct for the AirPort network “%@”.";
	kRUSBAlreadyInUseErr = "The AirPort USB Device %@ is in use";
	kRUSBAlreadyInUseSuggestion = "Select a device from the AirPort status menu to release it.";
	kRUSBAttached = "Attached";
	kRUSBAuthenticationErr = "Authentication Failed";
	kRUSBAuthenticationSuggestion = "Try again with a different password";
	kRUSBAvailable = "Available";
	kRUSBErrorDomain = "AirPort USB Device Error";
	kRUSBInUse = "In Use";
	kRUSBNotFoundErr = "The AirPort USB Device %@ was not found.";
	kRUSBNotFoundSuggestion = "Make sure the device you want to use is connected to your AirPort Base Station";
	kRUSBParamErr = "Error Communicating with the Base Station";
	kRUSBParamSuggestion = "Make sure your AirPort Base Station is using the latest Firmware.";
	kRUSBStatus = "Status:";
	kRUSBUnknown = "Unknown";
	kRUSBUnknownErr = "An Unknown Error Occurred";
	kRUSBUnknownSuggestion = "Make sure your AirPort Base Station is using the latest Firmware.";
	kSearchingKey = "Looking for wireless networks…";
	kTryAgainKey = "Try again";
	kWPAEAPErrorKey = "WPA Authentication failed.\n%@";
	kWiFiDiagnosticsCreateReport = "Create Diagnostics Report On Desktop…";
	kWiFiDiagnosticsDisableWiFiLogging = "Disable Wi-Fi Logging";
	kWiFiDiagnosticsEnableWiFiLogging = "Enable Wi-Fi Logging";
	kWiFiDiagnosticsReportLegalDisclaimer = "This diagnostic tool generates files that allow Apple to investigate issues with your computer and help Apple to improve its products. The generated files may contain some of your personal information, which may include, but not be limited to, the serial number or similar unique number for your device, your user name, or your computer name. The information is used by Apple in accordance with its privacy policy (www.apple.com/privacy) and is not shared with any third party. By enabling this diagnostic tool and sending a copy of the generated files to Apple, you are consenting to Apple’s use of the content of such files.\n\nPlease press 'OK' to continue.";
	kWiFiDiagnosticsReportTitle = "Wireless Diagnostics Report";
	kWiFiPersonalHotspotErrorDescription = "Check to see if the tethering device is turned on and in range of your computer.";
	kWiFiPersonalHotspotErrorTitle = "Failed to enable Personal Hotspot on “%@”.";
	kYesKey = "Yes";
	pppBadUorP = "The username or password was incorrect";
	pppBusy = "The number was busy";
	pppNoAnswer = "There was no answer";
	pppNoDialTone = "There was no dial tone";
	pppUnavailable = "Status not available";
	separator = ";";
	wepKeyTypes = "None;WEP;WEP 40/128-bit hex;WEP 40/128-bit ASCII;LEAP";
	"wpa2KeyTypes" = "WPA2 Personal;WPA2 Enterprise";
	"wpaAPisNot8021X" = "The wireless network “%@” is not set up for 802.1X.";
	wpaAuthUseInternetConnect = "Use the Internet Connect application to enable additional authentication types or contact your network administrator.";
	wpaBadPSK = "The password you entered is not correct for the wireless network “%@”.";
	wpaBadUsernameOrPassword = "The username or password is not valid for the wireless network “%@”.";
	wpaCantAgreeOnCrypto = "The wireless network “%@” does not support the requested encryption method.";
	wpaCantAgreeOnEAP = "The wireless network “%@” does not support the requested authentication (EAP) type.";
	wpaCertUseKeychainAccess = "Use the Keychain Access utility to add the necessary certificates to your keychain or contact your network administrator.";
	wpaGeneric = "An error occurred while attempting to join the wireless network “%@”.";
	wpaIsFailureMIC = "The wireless network appears to have been compromised and will be disabled for about a minute.";
	wpaIsReplayAttack = "The wireless network appears to have been compromised and will be disabled for about a minute.";
	wpaKeyTypes = "WPA Personal;WPA Enterprise";
	wpaServerCertNotForwarded = "The server’s certificate could not be validated because the necessary Certificate Authority certificates are not available.";
	wpaUntrustedCert = "The network did not accept your certificate.";